Friday, April 12, 2013

4 Month Milestones

Well damn, time flies. How people keep up with a blog when they have more than 1 child, I'll never know. Now that E is awake more during the day, I'm constantly interacting with him. Therefore, my ability to sit down with a cop of coffee, open my laptop, and write out an entry has dwindled. But I'm trying...I promise!

So since E hit 4 months on the 21st of March, and it is now April 12, I figured now is a good time to update on the milestones he has hit since my last entry (the good, the bad, and the ugly!).

The Good

E is a total giggle box. I know he had already hit the laughing stage, but it gets better every single day.

E has moments of sitting up by himself before he topples over to the side.

I was holding E up on his legs (which he LOVES). I took my hands out from underneath him, and he stood by himself for about 5-10 seconds!!! Whaaaa? Can somebody say genius baby? Yep.

He has tested out his exersaucer and looooovvvvvveeeeeesssss it!!!! At first his feet didn't reach the ground, so he got frustrated. But within a week he was flat-footed on the mat and now spends about half an hour in it before he starts getting annoyed. Rock star.

He can do mini push-ups when he's on his belly.

In the past couple of days, he has become more interested in what I'm eating. He watches me eat, and today while I was eating fruit...he started putting his hands up to his mouth and back down--mimicking me!

This is the biggest one so far: ELI ROLLS!!! 2 days ago he rolled from back to stomach, and this morning he rolled from stomach to back! He is growing so fast!!!

The Bad

E had his first fever. :( Gah, it broke my heart!!! I've said it before and I'll say it again--GET A GLIDER THAT RECLINES!!! He would not let me set him down anywhere, and he refused to even lie in bed with me. I had to be holding him, and it had to be in the glider in his room. I spent all night in there, maybe slept a total of 2 hours. And the poor little guy would wake up crying off and on all night. It was so hard. Oh, it came after his second round of shots at his 4 month appt.

He coats everything in his baby drool. It doesn't matter what the F it is. My shirt, his shirt, his pants, his blankets, his toys, my phone, my pants, his dad's clothes, my hand, his hand, my hair. In fact, he seems to drool on everything EXCEPT his bibs! WTF little dude?

E now only lets K put him to bed. It's not a horrible thing, but I don't understand why he doesn't want me anymore.

His naps are few and far between. I miss the old routine where I could take a shower, wash dishes, eat breakfast, BLOG, etc., while he was napping.

He doesn't sleep through the night anymore. He wakes up at least once, anywhere between  3:30 am and 5:30 am.

The Ugly

He's starting to teeth, which means a cranky, whiny, fussy, drooling baby who hates me, you, himself, his hand, sitting, laying down, standing up, and anything else. In fact, tonight we went around kicking things so he could blow off some steam.

He hates his car seat. He used to love it. He used to love being in a car. And now? Well now he freaks out. I put him in it...he's OK for about 5 minutes, until I actually put him in the car. And then it's squirming and whining and fussing. Oh, forget about me hitting my breaks to slow down. I have to maintain at LEAST 40 mph. And stopping at a red light??? He fucking loses his shit. Ughhhhhhhhhh.

Anyway, so that's where we are at.

I wouldn't trade anything in the world for it.