Monday, January 14, 2013

Eight at night and not a peep in the house...

Not a soul is stirring, not even a mouse.

Because we don't have mice, that's sick.

K and I have friends visiting from out of town and I can't tell you how perfect the timing was that this couple came down from Oklahoma.

Last night I had some one-on-one GIRL TIME, while they guys hung out in the garage. And E? I couldn't ask for a better baby, seriously. He is already well-behaved and rarely cries unless something is really wrong, but he has put on his I'm going to impress you guys, aren't my parents so lucky? face. We even had lunch  for two and half hours at a restaurant--a rather nice restaurant--(Oh! Which reminds me, I have a story ALL about that and some awful that I'll get to in another post), but E didn't make a peep! Then we get home and he talked to all of us for a couple of hours before taking little cat naps here and there.

I took him up to his room at eight tonight, and he drank a bottle and went RIGHT to sleep. He didn't fuss, he didn't squirm, he didn't make a single noise. I put him in his crib...and he went straight to sleep.

But as I opened the door to his nursery to walk back downstairs, I was greeted by K who said everyone wanted ice cream and asked if I wanted anything from Dairy Queen! Um, Hells Freakin' Yeah!!! So I had a good baby who ate and went right to sleep without making any fuss, and a boyfriend who left in this freezing cold weather (for south Texas) to go get me ice cream. Miracle. And what am I doing? I'm sitting in sweats by myself with a sleeping child upstairs. This might be all the vacation I need...for now.

So sweeties, I'm going to wait for MY sweets and enjoy the peace and quiet in my house until they arrive.

Hope everyone had a great Monday--if those exist!

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