Friday, February 1, 2013

Coffee exists because moms exist. Fact.

I've always been a fan of coffee. I am a coffee connoisseur. I know what blends I like; what roasts work with what creams. I can smell a bad coffee bean from a mile away. I think I've perfected the cream/sugar ratio for one cup of joe. My investments in top-of-the-line coffee makers have all been worth it. That's right. No buyer's remorse here! I, my friends, am a coffee addict expert.

I used to think my love for coffee couldn't grow any more than what it was. But you see... I didn't know what real love was until I had a baby (coffee, people! Real love for coffee). Before, I drank coffee for the taste. My 8+ hours of sleep every night didn't demand that I drink it for an energy boost; a means of being able to keep my eyes open and perform every day human functions. No. My habit of drinking coffee came from the smell, the taste, and as a means of socializing with those who have also found themselves in this tasty habit.

But now my love has grown to an extreme proportion. I no longer drink it to socialize with people. Actually, coffee is now a way for me to retract into my quiet shell before the realization of pure instability hits me for the day. I want my coffee...and I want it ALONE. And not just one cup. No, no, no, silly reader. I drink numerous cups of coffee throughout the entire day. And I drink it for energy. I drink it to perform tasks. I drink it to still be able to speak English. I drink it to get dressed. My love has gone from an admiration to a full-on dependence. I depend on coffee...and I like to think it depends on me. There's no love/hate relationship here. It's all love. 100% of pure affection.

And I'm not the only one. The more moms I talk to, the more I realize they are in the same boat as me! They too depend on their morning joe. I bet you anything it was a woman with a newborn who discovered that the coffee bean can make something that a person ingests to feel a rush. A certain high, if you will. A spurt of energy. This woman probably ran out of her home in Colombia with spit-up on her clothes, her hair ratted, no bra, shrieking through her village and toward the mountainside. Everyone thought she was insane, and maybe she was. But a newborn can make you feel that way! She probably stumbled down a hill and landed on some beans. With nothing else to lose, she picked them, boiled them, and drank the brown water it left behind. It probably took effect within minutes and she became super mom. With this new potion she found, she shared it in her secret mom group so all moms could have that energy they need to get through the day. When word got out, a stupid man probably took credit for it and began selling it worldwide.

So you see? Moms (more than likely) invented coffee. And if you ask me, we are single-handedly the ones to thank for keeping this industry booming.

You're welcome.

1 comment:

  1. So true, I think my coffee needs increased proportionately with the number of kids I had!
